2023- 2024 Payment Details
Payment Information
LRMB 2023-2024 Contract
$550 Marching Band Participation Fee: Covers our group’s necessary expenses for the season, including custom music, drill & choreography, competition fees, and quality instruction. Also included is the student hotel cost for our overnight trip and one show t-shirt.
If you are a family with more than one student in the band, your fee is reduced to $525 for each additional student.
$250 Opt out of volunteer FUNDRAISING requirements. (OPTIONAL)
$45 Marching Band Shoes: Required for ALL new band members (excludes color guard)
$15 Optional Additional Show Shirt
Payment Schedule
June 10, 2023
$150 deposit (Please enclose a check for $150 made out to CHSBPA. We will NOT be able to accept electronic payments until after initial deposits are made.)
July 10, 2023
$15 Optional Additional shirt
$45 Shoes
August 10, 2023
$250 Opt-out Fee (if applicable)
September 10, 2023
October 10, 2023
$100- single student family OR
$75- additional students in one family
How to Pay
Check - Please write your student's name and the purpose on each check, ex: "Jane Doe - Payment #3", place it in one of the envelopes provided by the payment box (black mail box near the band room door), and then place the envelope in the payment box.
Online - You can now use Charms to pay your payments online. A small fee is charged by the online payment company, and this will be reflected with your payment. Be sure to enter your email on each transaction.
If you have any questions about your student's account, please contact the LRMB Student Accounts Representative.